EMV (which stands for Europay, Mastercard, and Visa respectively) chips are able to create a unique transaction code for each purchase. Their introduction was intended to protect people from fraudulent activity.
EMV is a payment method based upon a technical standard for smart payment cards and for payment terminals and automated teller machines that can accept them. EMV cards are smart cards that store their data on integrated circuit chips, in addition to magnetic stripes. These include cards that must be physically inserted into a reader, as well as contactless cards that can be read over a short distance using near-field communication technology. EMV chip cards use an actual computer chip placed on the top part of a credit card to communicate with terminals. These chips allow a much more intricate and secure transaction process to occur. Payment cards that comply with the EMV standard are often called Chip and PIN or Chip and Signature cards.
The EMV device is the machine used to make a payment using a credit card. The EMV device should therefore be on the counter or held for the customer to insert their card into it.
Note: Your Property may also use a signature capture device, which may be in the form of either a dual purpose (credit card processor and electronic signature capture) machine from your credit card gateway or processor (such as Tenerum), or a stand alone electronic capture device (from a supplier such as Topaz). It is seen by Skyware like an EMV device and therefore also needs to be configured for use, and (if a separate machine) should then also be kept on the counter for the customer to use. See How to Set-Up and Use Electronic Signatures for more details.
Any EMV devices for your property need to be configured into the system before it can be available. Remember it is a physical device that needs to be attached for use.
Configuring an EMV device is done from the INTERFACES MAINTENANCE menu page.
Log In.
From the quick menu (left) choose Manager's Screen to be taken to the MANAGER'S COMMANDS screen.
Select Configuration to be taken to the PROPERTY AND SYSTEM CONFIGURATION screen.
Select Interfaces from the Sub-Systems area of the screen.
This will take you to the INTERFACES MAINTENANCE menu screen.
This is the Interface maintenance area, and each entry can be selected for viewing or further configuration. Interfaces area commands are divided into four sections:
Channel Interfaces, Texting Interface, Other Interfaces and Other Interface.
The command is in the Other Interfaces section of the menu. Select PinPad (EMV) Stations from the Other Interfaces section of the Interfaces Maintenance menu.
The PinPad (EMV) Stations screen display is split into two frames, with the left side of the screen listing any already configured PinPad (EMV) Stations for the property and the right side containing the fields you need to complete in order to add or edit a PinPad (EMV) Station for the property. Any changes made on the right, once saved, will be updated in the listings to the left.
The currently configured options can be displayed by:
Order: List order, a numeric ordering,
ID: The Pin Pad (EMV) station ID,
Description: This is the description or location of the configured station,
and can be searched by manually inputting the desired order number, ID or location.
Selecting any Pin Pad (EMV) station will display the details on the right.
Your options include the following:
Generate a new entry:
Click the New button from the toolbar to add a new Pin Pad (EMV) station.
Complete the fields described below.
Select an existing Pin Pad (EMV) station from the list on the left, and click the Replicate button from the toolbar. Then change the field information as described below.
Edit the current selection:
Change the field information described below.
PinPad ID: This is the ID provided upon set up of the device.
This field is required.
List Order: This determines in what order the Pin Pad (EMV) station appears listed in the interface.
Enter a number into the List Order field.
This field is optional.
Local URL: This is the local URL for the device, for location purposes.
This field is required.
PinPad Description: This is the description of the device, for staff to be able to locate it.
This field is required.
Device is Installed locally: This box may be checked or unchecked. By default, it is unchecked.
If it is checked, this means the device is installed on the actual machine/local Skyware Systems server, and not just physically connected to it. This box is only used with the Shift4 Credit Card Gateway.
Use this EMV device on this workstation: This box may be checked or unchecked. By default, it is unchecked. If it is checked, this means your workstation will use the device currently in the configuration field as the machine connected to it.
Can this device accept registration card signature? : This box may be checked or unchecked. By default, it is unchecked.
Note: To use this device as an electronic signature capture device THIS BOX MUST BE CHECKED.
EMV Transactions: There is a field below the configuration options that will display any transactions performed using the particular Pin Pad (EMV) station, with details of that transaction (such as time sent, any error that occurred, if the transaction timed out etc). This table is display only.
When you are finished adding or editing Pin Pad (EMV) stations, click the Save button to save the changes.
To view any changes made, click the Activity log button in the local tool bar.
Date Updated March 17, 2022